Thank you for jumping back into the fight and helping with my voter outreach plan. I would

caution you that this election cycle was a traumatic experience for a lot of us and ask you to make sure to take care of yourself first. My plan is called the GCA (Grassroots Committee Activation), and it starts with three simple steps.
Organizational meeting
Civic engagement event
Take our survey to Share your thoughts on the 2024 election cycle and what you think will be the most important issue in 2025. The team put together a short, three-question survey that will help focus initiatives that are offered during the next election cycle. Additionally, getting things off your chest by working through your thoughts to put them into words is very therapeutic.
The team needs to build a diverse network of volunteers and is looking to engage a wide range of people. Please encourage your friends, family members, associates, neighbors, colleagues, and anyone in your network to share their thoughts on this survey. Below are links for sharing the supply.
Share on Facebook. (Click Here)
Share on Twitter. (Click Here)
Share on Instagram.(Click Here)
Share via text (Click Here)
Share via email. (Click Here)
Download the printable survey. (Click Here)
Share website (Click Here)
Organizational meeting
The Republican Party has spent the last 30 years creating an echo chamber that is perfect for distributing MAGA lies to the general public. A lot of us discovered that the echo chamber had created post-truth reality that caused conversations to devolve into arguments about cultural war wedge issues. It was extremely hard for messaging to break through the noise and contributed significantly to the defeat.
The only strategy I have ever known that can defeat the Republican echo chamber is what John Walsh taught me. John believed in grassroots person-to-person neighborhood retail politics. I model my GCA (Grassroots Committee Activation) plan after his teachings. The GCA program builds grassroots networks in neighborhoods with engagement events that combat disinformation of the Republican noise machine. The motto for the GCA plan is "Do Good Often!"
If you wish to know more about it, please attend the organizing meeting on November 21st.
Civic engagement event
The Veterans coat drive is a civic engagement event that is part of the GCA plan. Civic engagement events are mini-volunteer opportunities sponsored by Democratic Town Committees (DTC). DTC members and volunteers do voter outreach by contacting their neighbors to invite them to participate in the civic engagement event. This voter outreach process will counter the Republican echo chamber. To find out more about this process, please attend the organizational meeting that is mentioned above.
The first civic engagement event of the new election cycle is a veteran's coat drive. Committees will be collecting winter coats for veterans in our communities. Please save the date and consider participating or volunteering. Mark your calendar for December 28th. As more details become available, they will be sent to people who have RSVPed to the event.