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February - First Friday Postcard Party

Writer's picture: John BowesJohn Bowes

We are getting the gang back together for our legendary first Friday Postcard Party starting

on February 7th. The team will be doing outreach to local volunteers from the 2024 election campaign and asking them to get involved locally. We hope to see you at the party. Invitations will be provided, but you can bring your own pens, and donations for stamps are always appreciated. We hope to see you at the party.

Hanover Panera Bread

1401 Washington St

February 7 6:00—8:00 PM


Help grow network

The Marshfield Democratic town committee needs your help growing awareness in our communities. Many communities no longer have local papers, so it is hard for people to find out what's going on and get involved. That is why the Marshfield Democratic Town Committee is asking you to share content in your personal network and neighborhood. 


A great way to help is to email an invitation to the event to people you know who might be interested. The committee has created a PDF that can be sent through any email system as an attachment. (click here)

Social media

Sharing the content on social media platforms is always helpful. There are two ways you can do this: either by sharing an image or a post from the committee. Below is a link to the image and the posts. If the content has not been posted yet, there will be a date when the post will appear, so check back at that time.

Social media platforms

To Save Image for sharing

Move your mouse pointer over an image, right-click, and choose "Save as" from the menu to download it.

The real world

Getting the word out the old-fashioned way in the community, a person-to-person contact is easily the most effective way to build awareness. For this reason the committee has created flyers and palm cards that you can distribute.  These are available for download in both color and black and white.


Black and white

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