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  • Andrew Schlosser

Coordinated Campaign office

Every election cycle, the Marshfield Democratic town commit teams up with neighboring committees to open a coordinated campaign office on the South Shore. In the past, the campaign office has been located in a retail space that is open from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week and serves as the center of campaign activity. Local town committees pay for and staff the coordinated campaign office. You can help fund the 2024 coordinated campaign office by donating to the Marshfield Democratic Town Committee.

At the office, voters can learn about our Democratic candidates, volunteer, and pick up campaign merchandise. A visitor to the office can find campaign literature for all the Democratic candidates long-side lawn signs and bumper stickers. These offices are essential to running local campaigns and provide a meeting point for volunteers. In late summer, the committee will be opening a coordinated campaign office for the 2024 election cycle.

There are three ways you can help MDTC set up the coordinated campaign office. The first is by donating to the committee to help pay for the office; the second is by volunteering with the committee to help staff the office; and the third, when the office opens, invite all your friends to come visit and get involved. This cannot happen without your help. You are the best advocate and advertiser for the committee when it comes to the coordinated campaign office.

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